School Partnership Programme

Be a Burlington English School.

When you become a Burlington English School, not only do you get access to our world–class content and state–of–the–art technology, you also become a member of the Burlington global family. The content by Burlington English School is fully aligned to the vision of the National Education Policy (NEP 2020). Partner with us to advance the quality of English language teaching at your school, empower your teachers, and challenge your students to be the best they can be.
Partner with us to advance the quality of English language teaching at your school, empower your teachers, and challenge your students to be the best they can be.

School Partnership Programs

We offer 3 partnership programs according to the type of school and its specific needs.

Burlington Discovery Program

Learning Partnership Driven by Burlington English Schools

Burlington Growth Program Knowledge

Knowledge Partnership Powered by Burlington English Schools

Burlington English
Schools Program

Excellence Partnership Energised by Burlington English Schools

Partnership Benefits

School Leaders

Burlington English School is a hallmark of exclusive international quality. Improve the calibre of English in your school today and secure your reputation as a premium quality English language educator.


Streamline the administration and monitoring of your English language curriculum with our comprehensive learning management system. Support the professional development of your English teachers with our innovative teacher education program.


Support your child throughout their language-learning journey by joining our Burlington English School community.


Be the best you can be with our engaging, interactive digital content, both inside and outside the classroom. Develop your life skills by adopting a growth mindset and improving your language and communication skills with Burlington English, anytime, anywhere and from any device.

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