Classic Short Stories
Grade : Grade 6
ISBN : 978-81-953664-3-9
Author : Retold by Julie Hart
Edition : First Edition
Publishing Year : 2021
Format : Paperback
Genre : Fiction

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A superb collection of five classic stories written by famous authors Anton Chekhov, Hector Hugh Munro (Saki), Thomas Hardy, Guy de Maupassant and D. H. Lawrence. These stories are about ordinary people in strange situations who are forced to make a choice. The choices vary between taking a chance or staying with the known; keeping dark secrets or telling the truth; doing the ‘right thing’ at a cost of self-destruction and choosing between fantasy and reality. These fascinating stories carry a strong message, and have a surprising twist at the end!

Features And Benefits

  • Cross-curricular focus section
  • Activity pages
  • Glossary with phonetic transcription

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