The Black Tulip
Grade : Grade 8
ISBN : 978-93-92312-01-4
Author : Alexandre Dumas
Edition : First Edition
Publishing Year : 2022
Format : Paperback
Genre : Historical fiction

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Set against a background of 17th-century politics and intrigue in Holland, this is a story of ambition, intrigue, violence and romance. The best flower-growers are competing to grow a black tulip and win a prize of 100,000 florins. Cornelius van Baerle is a talented tulip grower and determined to win. But Boxtel, his jealous and obsessive neighbour, is determined to destroy him. Soon, Van Baerle is arrested and imprisoned. His life is in danger and his hopes of creating a black tulip are gone. How can he prove his innocence and cultivate the unique black tulip for the competition?

Features and Benefits

  • Cross-curricular focus section
  • Activity pages
  • Glossary with phonetic transcription

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