Three Child Rulers
Grade : Grade 5
ISBN : 978-93-92312-16-8
Author : Brad Mayhew
Edition : First Edition
Publishing Year : 2022
Format : Paperback
Genre : Biographies

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Ivan the Terrible lived in 16th-century Russia, Mary, Queen of Scots lived in 16th-century Scotland, the Dalai Lama was born in Tibet in 1935 and is still alive today. The three rulers come from different cultures but have got one thing in common – they all came to power as children. While most children dream of wearing a crown and being important, the reality is quite different. All three rulers soon discovered that a position of power brings enemies and rivals. Other people want the power for themselves, and can make life very dangerous and insecure for the ruler – especially if they are young.

Features and Benefits

  • Cross-curricular focus section
  • Activity pages
  • Glossary with phonetic transcription

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