Grey Owl – A Man of the Wilderness
Grade : Grade 5
ISBN : 978-93-92312-76-2
Author : Alison Phillips
Edition : First Edition
Publishing Year : 2022
Format : Paperback
Genre : Historical fiction

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Grey Owl is the remarkable story of an Englishman named Archie Belaney. His childhood dream is to experience the life of a North American Indian. Archie leaves home and becomes a trapper on the Canadian frontier. There, he meets the Ojibway Indians and his encounters with them teach him to respect and care for nature. He adopts the name ‘Grey Owl’ and lives as a North American Indian. But how long can Archie keep his real identity a secret?

Features and Benefits

  • Cross-curricular focus section
  • Activity pages
  • Glossary with phonetic transcription

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