10 Good Reasons to Learn English

10 Good Reasons to Learn English - Burlington English

A question almost every Indian person asks themselves at some point is: Why do I need to learn English? or Why is learning English so significant? For one, over 125 million people speak English in India; it is an official language here. Also, no less than 1.27 billion people across the world speak English as their first or second language! Learning English helps us interact with the world. Let us see how and why English became an official language in India. In the 18th century, the British found a way to secure a foothold in the subcontinent via the East India Company. With them came the English language. They soon realized that they would have to be able to communicate with the people of India and so they set up schools and encouraged the learning of English. When India finally won its hard-earned independence in 1947, the British left but the English Language did not. Today, most people in India are bilingual – or even trilingual – and it is a matter of pride that so many people here can speak as many languages as they do. English is widely-used and serves as a common language across the different states in the country. Although it is, of course, important to safeguard local languages and cultures, here a 10 good reasons why it’s also important to learn English.

1. The Global Language

English creates a common ground for international political and socio-cultural discourse. It is also the primary language of global commerce and trade; English is also the lingua franca for international conferences and trade fairs. Excellent English will help you to forge global connections.

2. The Language of Education

In India, English is taught from kindergarten through to the twelfth grade. It is also the primary language in which lectures are delivered and exams conducted in universities both in India and in many other countries around the world. In order to study at a university in the UK, Australia or the North America, you will need to take a test such as IELTS or TOEFL to demonstrate that your English language skills are at a particular level. When studying abroad, excellent English will make your life a little simpler both academically and socially.

3. Opens New Doors to Career Opportunities

While good spoken and written English is not the only skill required to get the job of your dreams, it can help you make a good impression at interviews and in other professional environments. Many companies in sectors like Medicine, Hospitality and Tourism, Business and IT consider a candidate’s English skills while offering them high profile roles. If you need to, an online spoken English course for professionals can help you gain these skills.

4. Living Abroad

If you intend to settle down in an English-speaking country for work or personal reasons, a good command of the language will help to prepare you for your new life and surroundings. And what’s more, being able to communicate effectively in English will help you make new friends faster!

5. Enjoy the World of Entertainment

The world of entertainment is jam-packed with great music, amazing movies, and countless fascinating books in hundreds of different languages. That said, English is generally acknowledged as the language of global entertainment, so the better your English language skills, the more access you’ll have to international pop culture. Besides all of the great literature written in English, the number of books available in English translation is growing every day; so honing your English reading skills can open up a whole world of the imagination.

6. The Language of Travel and Tourism

Many Indian people travel extensively for leisure, both within the country and abroad. English is the language of international travel and for India, the language that connects us across different states. In countless places both in India and around the world, important information is often available in English in addition to the local language. This holds true for airports, railway stations and tourist information offices too. You can avoid potential miscommunication and stress while travelling by speaking great English.

7. The Language of Media and Technology

During the toughest moments of the global pandemic, being able to follow the news, receive important information and hear about people’s experiences via the TV and internet helped us stay connected to the world despite being isolated from our friends and family. English is the primary language of mainstream media and the internet; great English helps you to stay connected, so it is very helpful to understand and communicate in the language.

8. Build Your Confidence

English language skills are also invaluable in educational, professional and social situations. Whether you’re writing an essay for a college class, making a presentation at work, or meeting people at a networking event, excellent English will help you communicate your ideas more effectively and confidently.

9. An Additional Skill

Being able to communicate effectively in another language is a major achievement in life and many people find that it awakens in them a passion for editing, translating of creative writing. Some even go on to use their language skills to open up career opportunities and go on to become communication coaches, translators or even language teachers! Learning English will help you unlock your hidden passions.

10. Learning English: Easier Than Ever Before

E-learning has moved on in leaps and bounds over the last decade. There are now many excellent apps and online spoken English courses that make it easy for learners to develop their skills. Did you know that Burlington English offers some of the best online spoken English courses? Our expert tutors will help you to speak English more confidently and fluently, while our patented Speech Trainer® technology will guide you towards perfect pronunciation. Whether you’re looking for a basic spoken English course, or searching for ways to improve your grammar and vocabulary, Burlington English will be your guide on every step of your learning journey.